Shillong Teer Result Today List Meghalaya Common Number Live

Shillong Teer Result

Date13 January 2025
1st Round (3:15 PM)30
2nd Round (4:10 PM)27

Shillong Teer Result List

Here are the Shillong Teer Previous Result List below;

DateFirst Round (3:15 PM)Second Round (4:10 PM)
11 January 20257686
10 January 20256335
09 January 20252905
08 January 20256188
07 January 20255293
06 January 20256827
04 January 20258915
03 January 20251296
02 January 20256492
31 December 20241288
28 December 20244110
27 December 20245302
26 December 20243528
24 December 20248002
23 December 20248745
21 December 20243805
20 December 20245651
19 December 20246352
18 December 20243437
17 December 20246095
16 December 20246104
14 December 20243604
13 December 20249337
12 December 20247558
11 December 20243176
10 December 20245537
09 December 20241230
07 December 20247827
06 December 20249541
05 December 20247545

Shillong Teer Result Today

Shillong Teer game is a very old game played daily in Khasi Hills Archery Sports Association in Meghalaya, India. In this game, Shillong Teer archers are involved and shoot arrows on a specific target to win the game. Players bet on specific numbers between 00 and 99.

Shillong Teer Result

If the results are the same that hit the target then the participant wins a significant amount of money based on the bet placed on it and  it is conducted under the Meghalaya Amusement. In Shillong Teer, players can also place bets on both ‘house’ and ‘ending’ numbers.

Shillong Morning Teer

Shillong Morning Teer is a traditional game played in the morning and also in the afternoon and evening like the regular Shillong Teer. The Morning Teer Result brings up to date on The first round result is declared at 10:30 AM and the second result is declared at 11:30 AM.

Shillong Night Teer

Night Teer is an evening time opportunity for players where anchers place bets for the numbers based on the results held at night 1, night 2, night 3 and so on at noon. This opportunity is for those people who miss the morning or afternoon rounds to participate later in the day.

The first round result is declared at 8:20 PM and the second round result time is 9:20 PM. Moreover, players commonly refer to it as the Shillong Night Teer at 8 pm respectively.

Shillong Teer Dream Number

Shillong Teer Dream Number

In Shillong Teer, dream numbers are the numbers that some players consider as lucky numbers. These numbers are based on the belief that dreams have symbolic meanings and these numbers guide players to choose or select the winning numbers. Dream numbers often come behind a traditional chart, where each object or animal from a dream correlates with a particular number.

Shillong Teer Common Number

The hit number for today’s result is nothing but the Shillong Teer common numbers like 6,7 that analyse everyday is very helpful for decision making of winning numbers. These common numbers derived from various calculations, past winning numbers or previous results, mathematical formulas and making strategies to calculate common numbers.

If you want to recommend the common numbers of Shillong Teer lucky numbers today then you can certainly visit our website for today’s 100 common numbers. This might be helpful for decision making of common numbers.

Shillong Teer Evening Result

The Evening Result is the outcome of the Teer archery game held in Shillong, Meghalaya during in Evening. This session adds excitement and fun to the Teer game.

The evening results is an information that determines the winners of the game and the winning numbers divided into two stages; First and Second rounds. Players can call the Shillong direct number to easily find the results and also find the real-time updates of each round.

Shillong Teer Game Formula

Some players often use the Teer formula for the prediction of winning numbers. This Teer formula calculation is not 100% accurate but might be helpful by enthusiasts to increase their odds. People use different common formulas and methods like Previous Results Analysis, Booking Common Number, Dream Numbers, House and Ending Number Theory, Mathematical Calculations, Cross and Family Numbers.

Shillong Teer Counter

Shillong Teer Counter is the official location where players can place bets on numbers and buy ticket numbers in the Shillong Teer Counter. These counters are authorised by the Meghalaya Amusement board and understand the legal betting counter or point in the state. 

Shillong Teer Counter

In this article, we share the official Shillong Teer Khela Result. If you find the Shillong Teer counter live result then you can visit our page at the mentioned time.

Timing of Shillong Teer Result

The game is played between 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM on general days. The result of (F/R) is 3:15 PM and the (S/R) is 4:10 PM. Results are not uploaded on Sunday in a week as the Teer game is not played.

Steps to Participate in Sillong Teer Game

Find a Teer Counter

Locate an official Shillong Teer counter. These counters are officially counters where you can place bets.

Choose Your Number(s)

Select a number between 00 and 99. You can choose your number through various strategies like using common numbers, mathematical formulas, dream numbers and analysing past results. Players can also use the Shillong code number as a part of their betting strategy and many players in Shillong often reference the Arunachal common number when they choose their bets.

Place Your Bet

Decide your amount to place bets on each number and buy a ticket.

Wait for the Results and Claim your Winning

The results are announced at 4:15 PM and 5:00 PM. If the result matches your ticket number then you win a significant amount of money according to your bet placed.

Meghalaya Teer Result Today

Meghalaya teer is also known as “shillong teer” where the most updated results of Shillong Teer are uploaded online in the mentioned time. People of Meghalaya use different strategies to win the game. They try to analyse the results by using previous results, common numbers, formulas and dream numbers or by live video.

What is Shillong Teer ?

Shillong Teer is a lottery game played in India. Khasi Hills Archery Sports Association organized this game and participants that are involved win the cash prizes based on the outcomes or results of the game. In each game, two rounds are conducted in a Shillong Teer ground and results are based on both of the two rounds.

Shillong Teer

While Shillong Teer is centered around archery and betting on numbers, Shillong Satta King offers another type of betting that also attracts players looking for a chance. The popularity of Shillong Teer contains betting culture in the northeastern region, including Nagaland, where locals gather in various traditional games.

How to play shillong Teer ?

Understanding the game

It is the game that is based on the number of arrows shot in a day. For the arrows shot, there are two specified rounds in which the archers hit the target and win the game. Many players follow seasoned experts and enthusiasts like Shillong Teer azhar for tips on how to improve their chances of winning.

Buying tickets

Players purchase the tickets from the licensed dealers and then they are allowed to play this game. Players can bet on the selected numbers and if the winning numbers match the selected numbers then they win the prizes.

Checking results

You can check the results from this website instantly after playing the game or you can check the winning numbers from different news websites or authorized apps. is best for checking the results and you don’t need any streaming or other websites to watch the results. Other websites like wikipedia not give teer results.

Frequently Asked Questions

The first round result is uploaded at 3:15 PM and the second round result is declared at 4:10 PM.

The shillong Teer rijal or result are checked on a licensed Teer counter authorised by the state in Meghalaya and various online platforms that upload the results on real time like

The Teer game participants are limited to Meghalaya but some various platforms offer this game play online. When you use online platforms then always make sure to use legal and authorised methods.

There is no certain formula to apply Shillong Teer numbers. Players always use prediction, dream numbers and use of previous results.


Shillong Teer is not just a game, it’s a blend of Meghalaya’s cultural heritage and the daily game played in Meghalaya. The excitement of players for this game and daily results uploaded on various online p[lateforms make it accessible for everyone.